Computer Science Success Stories

Computer Science Success Stories

Success Stories

Computer Science Programming Competition

UD Computer Programming Team Competes at Annual Programming Competition

UD Computer Programming Team (Joseph Andrews, Katherine Beine, Claire Joyce, Joseph Malone, Brian McCutchon and Paul Seitz) and the faculty advisor Rob Hochberg recently competed at the Annual Programming Competition for the South Central region, which covers all of Texas, Louisiana and Oklahoma. This year the competition was held at LeTourneau University in Longview, Texas.  The University of Dallas had our best showing yet, placing 18 out of 62 teams. Here is our three-year summary:

2014: 18th out of 62 teams
2013: 33rd out of 59 teams
2012: 40th out of 58 teams (tied)
Out of schools without graduate CS programs:
2014: 5th out of 23 teams
2013: 8th out of 19 teams
2012: 14th out of 22 teams (tied)


UD Computer Science major, Joseph Malone, wins first place scholarship in Sandia Laboratory Federal Credit Union essay competition!
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