Reserve Collection

Print Reserves

How to Request Print Reserves

  • Fill out our reserve request form.
  • Items will be placed on reserve. A confirmation will be sent to you once you submit the form and you will be notified when the items are ready for use.

About Print Reserves

  • Search for print reserves in the catalog here.
  • Books are placed on reserve by semester. If a book needs to be on reserve longer than one semester, arrangements can be made with the library to leave the item on reserve, provided doing so does not violate the terms of this policy or the library's copyright policy.
  • Books placed on reserve are "limited circulation." They may be checked out only for a short period of time (usually 2 hours, overnight, or 3 days; this decision is left to the discretion of the instructor), ensuring that all students in the course have the opportunity to view the materials.
  • Fines for overdue reserve materials are as follows: $0.35/hour for all hourly materials and $1.00/day for daily materials. These materials do still accrue fines.
  • Lost reserve materials belonging to the library will be handled as any other lost items. The library is not responsible for personal materials that are lost or damaged.
  • It is the instructor's responsibility to be familiar with the rules of "fair use" when placing personally owned, copyrighted materials on reserve. The library reserves the right to refuse any materials for reserve if it is suspected they might be in violation of copyright law.
  • All reserve materials are kept behind the circulation desk, with the exception of the Permanent Reserve Collection listed below.
  • When possible, instructors should bring in materials to be placed on reserve two weeks prior to the beginning of the semester. 
  • Any materials that are not averaging at least five uses in a semester will be removed from the reserve collection. Items that are allowed to stay on reserve for more than a semester must be used regularly.

Permanent Reserve Collection

  • Our Permanent Reserve Collection is made up primarily of texts and research on Dante's Divine Comedy and Milton's Paradise Lost. It also includes some texts and research on Chaucer.
  • These items can be found on the 3rd floor of the Library, and are available for checkout for 2 days, with 3 renewals. They may be placed on hold, but are not available for Contactless Pickup. These items will accrue fines if they are turned in late.

Questions regarding this reserve policy should be directed to the Circulation Department at or 972-721-5329.